I will tell you in all sincerity that I absolutely did NOT want to workout today. There was not an ounce of motivation in my body today and all that was going through my head as my work day ended was..."Fuck! I have to do Pure Cardio today."
It's always the warm up that I dread. Once I get passed the warm up then the rest of the workout, even though it's very hard, is just par for the course. I honestly believe that if you can get passed the warm up every day in this program, then there is no reason why you can't finish it. So begrudgingly I popped the disc into the player and began my daily mantra...
"...tough mudder, tough mudder, tough mudder..."
I plowed through the warm up and settled into the non-stop fun of Pure Cardio...and by fun I mean torture. Switch kicks, power jacks, Level 2 drills...fuck 'em all. This workout is just brutal in every way. By the time I got to the warm up I was absolutely drained. The sad part was I still had to do Cardio Abs. To tell you the truth I was sooooo close to turning off the DVD player. I just felt like there was no way I could go for another 15 minutes, but then the mantra returned in my head...
"...tough mudder, tough mudder, tough mudder..."
Sure enough I willed myself into continuing on with the second part of the workout and I don't know how I was able to do it. The C Position moves are just torture on my obliques and the final Plank Groin humping move is just funny...funny and exhausting.
So I'm tapped out for the night. I finally get Cardio Recovery tomorrow but to call it easy is a lie. There are some hard moves in that workout but at least I get a break from that damn warm up. Did I mention that I hate the warm up?
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