Wednesday, September 14, 2011

...And so it begins

About a week ago my friend Jason mentioned that he was thinking about signing up for Tough Mudder.  I had heard about this obstacle course/endurance race/day of hell on Facebook and was pretty sure that I would never be that crazy to think I could participate.  After all, I have been out of shape for over a year now.  I completed 65 days of P90X before I got married and I was in great shape.  Since the big day I have steadily put on weight so that now I am the heaviest I have ever been.  I look unhealthy and trust me, I feel it as well.

That being said I began to reconsider Tough Mudder because like my wedding, this event would be a goal that I could shoot for.  My biggest problem with working out is that it's work...same exercises, same results.  I purchased the Insanity workout program to try to liven things up but let's just say it is tough to do those workouts in a house with no air conditioning, in one of the hottest summers on record.

Anyways, yesterday I started Insanity again and today I decided to write a big fat check that my ass may not be able to cash.  I agreed to participate in the April Tough Mudder event in Ohio.  12 miles, 28 obstacles, and as Survivor so eloquently put it..."Just a man and his will to survive."  (By the way that's Survivor the 80's rock band not Survivor the reality show.  Just sayin')

So what's the point of all this?  As far as Tough Mudder goes, I know that right now there is no way in hell I would be able to run that course.  I have 6 months to get in shape for what will likely be sheer tortuous fun.  By signing up for the event and dropping $100, I will give myself incentive (The proverbial "Carrot on a string" although I would prefer a beer) to not make a complete ass of myself on the course and hopefully finish it.  Plus, seeing as I turn 30 in February, I feel like I'm overdue for some crazy life experience.  No mid life crisis or anything...mainly boredom.

Then there's this blog that probably five of you will ever read.  I am doing this to keep myself honest.  If you are following this blog as I journey down this road of pain, you will basically be here to make sure I don't skip workout days or mow down a Baconator.  It's a symbiotic relationship really.  Who knows?  Maybe you might find a shred of entertainment in my suffering.  If so, you are sick.....but I appreciate your support.  ;)

As previously stated, I have started the Insanity workout program which will go for 60 days and end sometime in November.  After which I will take a couple weeks off before I begin a full round of P90X.  I figure completing both programs is necessary for Tough Mudder considering Insanity is heavy on the cardio while P90X is more about strength training.  The combination of these two programs will hopefully get me into "mudder" shape and allow me to run 12 miles over shitty terrain and **gulp** possibly even climb a rope (Something I was never able to do, even in grade school).  

**As a side note, I have already completed the fitness test for Insanity and that is considered Day 1 of the program.  As such, I will include this introduction post as the first day on the countdown.

So that's that.  Thank you for stopping by and if you're still reading this, my name is Kevin and I'm about to kick my own ass for the next 6 months.  Enjoy!

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